Monday 21 December 2009

Things To Do Before...

One of the frustratingly common things that have occured to me in my life involve '50 things to do before you die' lists. They appear on tv, in magazines, in books that friends have purchased and even just in friendly conversation. Almost exclusively they have had a few that seem so startelingly common and easy I can't see how my life would be any more or less fulfilled based on the participation of the event, to ones that are so extreme and difficult to achieve the time I would waste trying to do so I am sure would be better spent completing other parts of the list.

Anyway, as a sort of themed New Years Resolution I have whittled down one of these lists to five things I think are not so easy that I could achieve them without effort, but not so difficult that they are impossible. I hope to have them all done by 30th December 2010. Here is the list:

1. Throw A Huge Party - OK, not too difficult seeing as I'm at uni and have a year to do it, but it still involves planning and I felt I needed something sort of easy to ease myself into it. Plus the list I'm looking at has startlingly few things a bloke without a passport can actually do!

2. Try out Vegetarianism for 21 Days - This I will probably find more difficult than I may envisage. Whilst I don't eat a lot of meat, I do enjoy it, I also really enjoy gummy bears and beer.

3. Ask Someone Out On A Date Who You've Just Met - Probably easy when looking at it though I suspect I'll find it embarrassing. Probably make sure it is someone who I've only just met but also am unlikely to meet again unintentionally.

4. Pose for Nude Art - Really unsure how practical this one would be, perhaps the most difficult to organise, but if I can find the oportunity it shouldn't be too difficult should it?

5. Take Up Islam For A Week - Kind of intended to do this anyway, but still should present a few difficulties that may need adressing.

No idea how likely I am to actually get these done, but I don't think I've ever actually attempted to try and proper New Year's resolutions, I'm hoping that having a list written here in my blog may inspire me to actually go and try to do them. Hopefully it wont be too difficult, but difficult enough that I can have some fun trying!

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